Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Hello to Spring

 We are so excited for our vendor line up this coming Saturday. We have some amazingly talented vendors. We have Sappy Q smoked meats for food and it is spectacular. Travelin Tom is swinging up some wonderful coffee and other beverages. Brookie Bees Sourdough is new to us but comes with a great reputation for delicious breads. Rathdrum Lions Club is kicking off their season of selling 1/2 beef and a freezer raffle tickets. The beef is provided by Twin Lakes Farm and Ranch. 

See you Saturday

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Cupids Arrow Craft Fair

We are so excited for the new year and all the possibilities it holds. Our first event is Feb 8th Cupid's Arrow Craft Fair and we are lining up some amazing vendors. Follow our facebook page for regular updates

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Happy New Year

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and have a wonderful New Year. Applications are up on our website and we are seeing some incredible vendors so hurry up and get those applications in

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas

We want to send out our love and friendship to all.

We wish you the merriest of Christmases.

From the board and members of the Rathdrum Craft and Farmers Market Inc 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Last Minute Shopping Craft Fair Dec 21

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone. This coming Saturday is our last event of this year and oh my gosh do we have a spectacular line up of vendors for you. For food we have Farmhouse Sweet and Eats with delicious chili and burgers. We crave their burgers. She uses real cheese that she has to slice herself and offers pasta salads and fresh fruit for side dishes. Coffee is provided by Travelin Toms Coffee. It's the cutest coffee truck and they keep their menu simple so they can focus on quality and you'll love it and they are such nice people.

We have vendors both indoors and out and have over a dozen outdoor booths. These folks have been working hard to bring you some amazing options for our last event. 

North Idaho Homestead (soaps, candles, beard oil)

Crazy Cat Chick Farm LLC (jams, baked goods etc)

Color Street

Paper Pie books and games

Griffin Manufacturing

Trades of Hope

IMT (miniatures, adorable!!)

Framed Finds

The Adorable Alchemist (3D cuteness overload)

Sparkling Artwork (a gifted 13 year old artist)

North Woods of Idaho (emergency supplies and books)

Magick Duke Creations (native made items)

Scuba Confections (3D shadow boxes)

Fancy Beadery

Anariis Creations (3D, custom shirts, sock etc, and oh so much fun(

Scrunch Bunch Handmade (knitted and crocheted items)

Bee Tastee LLC ( infused honey, sugars etc)

Farmhouse Sweets and Eats

Blind Archer Prints (3D)

C & C Knit and Stitch

Popperazzi Kettle Corn

Travelin' Tom's Coffee

Marys Creations (bowl cowzies etc)

Devine Designs (floral decor)

Leaf filter

Ericka's Treats (prepackaged baking mixes)

Lights Designs


Monday, December 9, 2024

Now accepting 2025 applications


Hello everyone. The moment you've all been waiting for is here!! We are now accepting applications for all of our events for 2025. We will not invoice until January and payment is due at least 30 days prior to the event. Some have early bird discounts. Our first event is Feb 8th so get those applications in quickly. We will start sending out acceptance letters in the very near future. 

We can't wait to see you. 


Event Organizer

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Santa Helper Fundraiser

 Our next event is not quite one week away and we are so excited. We have a link to an account we set up to help our local senior citizen if you want to donate money to help them out. 

It deposits directly into the account and every penny donated goes to them. They lost so much in a fire and we also have an amazon wishlist set up and some items have been ordered and they are so grateful. Here is the link for it:

We have some pretty amazing vendors for this event including Farmhouse Eats and Sweets and A and A Coffee. Farmhouse will be setting up a free grazing table so feel free to snack away. Thank you so much Farmhouse Eats and Sweets. And if you are looking for a caterer please keep them in mind. Ally of A and A Coffee has wonderful coffee and incredible customer service. 

Monday, November 11, 2024

Santa Helper for Seniors Craft Fair and Fundraiser

 Thank you everyone for the amazing turnout and support at our last event. You made our vendors very happy.

Our next event is our Santa Helper for Seniors Craft Fair. We donate 100% of our vendor fees to helping local senior citizens. The Rathdrum Lions Club also donates the rent we pay them and we are so grateful. 

This years recipients lost all their outbuildings, RV etc in a recent fire. They are both in their 80's with health issues. We are posting an amazon wish list for those who wish to order items directly for them and they will be shipped to their address. The market has purchased a small resin outbuilding that will be delivered next week. They lost all their tools, snow shoes, ladders etc. The fire was such a terrible thing but they have maintained an incredibly positive outlook.

We are able to accept monetary donations on their behalf and will repost the link to donate directly to the account we have set up. We can accept donations in person via cash, check or card as well. If you have any items you would like to donate you can drop them off at the event, November 23rd at the Rathdrum Lions Club, hours of market are 10-3 but we are there by 7 am. 

Thank you everyone. 

Santa Helper list Rathdrum Craft and Farmers Market

Friday, November 8, 2024

Handmade Holiday Craft Fair

 Elections are over and it's time to have some fun. Come by Rathdrum Lions Club Saturday Nov 9th from 10-3 to get a start on your holiday shopping. We have some of our regulars such as gluten free baked goods, jams, candles, soaps, jewelry etc and some new vendors with some amazing items. We have a vendor with Brazilian treats and another with absolutely incredible almond rocha. Farmhouse Sweets and Eats is serving up chili and burgers (ooh maybe she will do a chili burger?) and A and A Coffee is serving up the best coffee.

Come see us tomorrow. We have so much for you to look at. We have vendors both indoors and out, handicap accessible and free parking and free admission

See you soon

Friday, October 18, 2024

Family Fall Festival

 The excitement is mounting as vendors are here setting up. We have an incredible line up of vendors for you all including Miss Nutty who is roasting fresh nuts on site...oh the aroma is going to be so incredible. 

A and A Coffee will be by the building serving up her delicious coffee and energy drinks, muffins etc.

Farmhouse Sweets and Eats will start serving her famous breakfast sandwiches between 8-9 am then lunch is burgers and chili. Her food is absolutely amazing.

Rodeo Dogs will be serving her famous hotdogs with made from scratch toppings, pasta, soups etc. Absolutely love their food. 

All 3 have gluten free options.

Check out Mobilezone and their bounce houses and games.

We have bounce houses, live music (kids karaoke on Sunday), 208Cornhole here Sunday, sweets, cookies, baked goods including gluten free, Companions Animal Shelter, face painting, crochet, sewn items, artwork, decor, ornaments, jewelry, and way too much to list. 

We can't wait to see you. Oh and....we expanded our pumpkin patch and any pumpkin any size is only $5 and Lacey Green Photograpy is here with her John Deere tractor to take your photos in the pumpkin patch.

Food drive for Cup of Grace in Spirit Lake. The drop off table is right inside the  building and for every shelf stable item you bring you receive a chance to win a 16 qt presto pressure canner. Rathdrum Lions Club is on the ballfield selling raffle tickets to win a 12 tray professional series Cabela's dehydrator. The proceeds from this raffle go to Cup of Grace. All winners will be drawn Sunday at 4pm (need not be present to win).

Saturday 10-4 and Sunday 11-4. Located at Rathdrum Lions Club at the corner of 53 and Meyer in Rathdrum 

We can't wait to see you. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Family Fall Festival Oct 19 and 20th

 The anticipation is building as we are busy bees getting ready for our third annual Family Fall Festival. We are bigger than ever with some pretty exciting offers. We are proud to welcome 208Cornhole to our Sunday lineup so definitely get signed up with that. We have live music and kids karaoke on Sunday. Bounce houses, games, an incredible pumpkin patch, our spectacular photographer Lacey Green, the best food and coffee anywhere, tons of vendors and Companions Animal Center. We are also collecting pantry staple items for our food drive for Cup of Grace in Spirit Lake. For every item you donate you get a chance to win a brand new 16qt presto pressure canner.