Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone. This coming Saturday is our last event of this year and oh my gosh do we have a spectacular line up of vendors for you. For food we have Farmhouse Sweet and Eats with delicious chili and burgers. We crave their burgers. She uses real cheese that she has to slice herself and offers pasta salads and fresh fruit for side dishes. Coffee is provided by Travelin Toms Coffee. It's the cutest coffee truck and they keep their menu simple so they can focus on quality and you'll love it and they are such nice people.
We have vendors both indoors and out and have over a dozen outdoor booths. These folks have been working hard to bring you some amazing options for our last event.
North Idaho Homestead (soaps, candles, beard oil)
Crazy Cat Chick Farm LLC (jams, baked goods etc)
Color Street
Paper Pie books and games
Griffin Manufacturing
Trades of Hope
IMT (miniatures, adorable!!)
Framed Finds
The Adorable Alchemist (3D cuteness overload)
Sparkling Artwork (a gifted 13 year old artist)
North Woods of Idaho (emergency supplies and books)
Magick Duke Creations (native made items)
Scuba Confections (3D shadow boxes)
Fancy Beadery
Anariis Creations (3D, custom shirts, sock etc, and oh so much fun(
Scrunch Bunch Handmade (knitted and crocheted items)
Bee Tastee LLC ( infused honey, sugars etc)
Farmhouse Sweets and Eats
Blind Archer Prints (3D)
C & C Knit and Stitch
Popperazzi Kettle Corn
Travelin' Tom's Coffee
Marys Creations (bowl cowzies etc)
Devine Designs (floral decor)
Leaf filter
Ericka's Treats (prepackaged baking mixes)
Lights Designs